Our mission

To promote within Australia and internationally all forms of microscopy and microanalysis, including, but not limited to, electron microscopy, light microscopy, scanning probe microscopy and electron beam microanalytical techniques:

  • to co-operate and form affiliations with other organisations having similar objectives both within and outside Australia.
  • to encourage specialist sub-groups in different areas of microscopy & microanalysis.

The Society’s major activities are the convening of multidisciplinary conferences and workshops, the publishing of a quarterly newsletter and the co-ordination of activities with similar groups within Australia and overseas.

AMMS is a member of Science & Technology Australia (STA), a lobby group that seeks to influence government decision making about science and technology. AMMS is also a member of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM) which aims to advance microscopy in all its aspects.


Our Society includes three specialist subgroups: The Australian Microbeam Analysis Society (AMAS), Light Microscopy Australia (LMA), Volume Imaging Australia (VIA) and CryOz.

Contact AMMS, AMAS, LMA or CryOz

AMMS and the Society subgroups are volunteer run: elected and appointed officers working to serve the microscopy community.

Please refer to our Contact Us page for relevant member details.

Financial and compliance reporting

For our financial and compliance reporting, see our Governance page.



Membership offers unique professional networking opportunities, conference discounts, exclusive news and other great benefits. Members receive our Newsletter in print, and access to our online resources.

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