FIJI/ImageJ Workshop
The FIJI distribution of the ImageJ image analysis package is a powerful free tool. It contains a broad range of built in (and auto updated) tools that can be easily used to gain true quantitative information from an image.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
• Image Analysis Fundamentals
• Simple Analysis, Cell Counting, Segmentation, 3D and Making Movies
• Scratch Wound Assay Analysis
• Image Stitching and Alignment
• Skeletonisation for Bacterial Length and Mitochondria Networks
• Writing Macros
• Batch Processing
Lecture Delivery will be via Video, with additional instructors on-site
LMA Members: $75 (join AMMS/LMA at
General: $125
Students / Retirees: $75
Printed Manual: $30* – Colour print-out of 430+ page manual formerly a required part of registration.
Past attendees have found working from a hard copy of the manual preferable, so it is highly recommended. If you do not request a printed manual, you will be required to bring a laptop or tablet that you can load a digital copy of the manual on to work from. (note: for collection only, no postal delivery) *subsidised cost
Register: (registration closes September 11)
Please observe COVID restrictions: If unwell, get tested and do not come to campus.