Volume Imaging Australia is a special interest group of the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (AMMS).

Volume imaging encompasses all forms of imaging and analyses involving the generation of 3D volumetric data in all branches of science. This includes, but is not limited to, LIGHT, ELECTRON and X-RAY imaging modalities and the associated visualisation and analysis approaches common to these techniques. The Volume Imaging Special Interest Group’s aim is to build understanding between users of these different techniques in order to enhance scientific discovery.

Become a member of Volume Imaging Australia by first joining our parent Society, AMMS. Special interest group membership is free after joining AMMS and ticking the Volume Imaging membership box on the AMMS application form.

As the VIS2021 conference was held in virtual space all sessions are available on line by logging in at for those that were registered. Over time some talks may become available to the public. Please check back regularly.




Membership offers unique professional networking opportunities, conference discounts, exclusive news and other great benefits. Members receive our Newsletter in print, and access to our online resources.

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