The AMAS 2021 Online Seminar Series: EPMA and QEDS
A global pandemic forced the cancellation of the traditional AMAS symposia in 2021. In lieu of an in-person symposia, AMAS is hosting a bimonthly seminar series throughout the year from invited speakers on topics of interest.
April Seminar
Date: Wednesday the 14th April 2021
Time: 12 pm AEST / 10 am AWST / 11:30 am ACST
Research talk
Title: Trace elements analysis by EPMA
Presenter: Dr Jeff Chen, Centre for Advanced Microscopy, ANU
This talk will focus on quantitative determination of trace elements by electron probe X-ray microanalysis.
Key factors affecting analysis accuracy, including detection limit, background correction, spectral
interference and other potential sources of error, will be explained. Examples demonstrating the effect of
these errors will be given and possible solutions to minimize them will be discussed. It’s expected that the
audience will have a basic understanding of EPMA.
‘How to’ talk
Title: How to perform standards-based quantitative EDS in an SEM
Presenter: Dr Karsten Goemann, Central Science Laboratory, University of Tasmania
Standards-based quantitative energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) on electron beam instruments
has been around for almost half a century (e.g. [1]), and modern EDS systems on scanning electron
microscopes (SEM) provide excellent throughput and stability. Careful EDS analysis can match accuracy
and precision of wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS) done on electron microprobes [2], at least for
major and minor elements, with the potential of achieving much higher throughput in comparison.
This short how-to presentation will discuss how to set up your SEM-EDS system to perform quantitative
analysis with “real totals” (i.e. data not normalised to 100% total), including testing and monitoring of beam
stability, working distance, effect of lateral beam position etc. It will not go into detail regarding software
operations for specific brands of EDS systems.
[1] SJB Reed and NG Ware, J. Petrol. 16 (1975), p. 499.
[2] NWM Ritchie, DE Newbury and JM Davis, Microsc. Microanal. 18 (2012), p. 892.