We are pleased to announce the winners of the LMA/VIA 2021 Image Competition.

This resulted in over 160 submissions across the si x categories Live Cell Imaging, Life Sciences, In Vivo Imaging, Materials Sciences, Super Resolution and Volume Imaging).

Each category awards a $400 first prize and a $200 second prize. We would like to thank the sponsors of each category, New Spec, Zeiss Australia, OptiScan , John Morris Group and Nikon Australia for their support of the competition.

Please follow the links below to see this years winners.

Life Science Category Winners
In Vivo Category Winners
Materials Science Category Winners
Super Resolution Category Winners
Volume Imaging Category Winners



Proudly Sponsored by Zeiss


Kazuhide Shaun Okuda – Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Ribosomal Biogenesis and Blood Vessels in Developing Zebrafish Embryos 24 36 and 56 hours post fertilisation TgBAC (ddx 21 ddx 21 Citrine) Tg (fli 1 a H 2 BCherry) transgenic zebrafish embryos live imaged with a Zeiss LSM 780 confocal microscope 20 x lens) Ribosomal biogenesis gene ddx 21 ( is expressed in the muscles, eyes and brain, and fli 1 a ( is expressed in blood vessels and blood cell progenitors Development of blood vessels and change in distribution of ddx 21 expression over time can be clearly seen



Claire Richards – UTS

Newborn Knitwear – Unravelling Keratin Fibres in Placental Trophoblasts A custom made first trimester trophoblast cell line was grown on glass coverslips in a two dimensional monolayer Cells were fixed and immunolabelled for cytokeratin 7 (Orange Hot) and stained with DAPI ( Images were acquired using a Nikon A 1 inverted confocal microscope and deconvolved using NIS Elements denoise ai



Arthur Chien – Maquarie University

Cotton Pollen The image presented reveals autofluorescence of tiny cotton pollen grain visualised utilising Olympus FV 3000 confocal system Researchers at Macquarie university study the heat stress in cotton To create this image varying colours have been used to reflect the changing depth of the exine (outer solid shell of pollen) This image was captured at high resolution in 3 D (UPLSAPO 100 X, NA 1 4



Taya Melling – UWA

Pearly Whites A transverse section of a human lateral incisor from the WA population This image was taken with a Leica ICC 50 HD microscope fitted with a polarising light filter The extracted teeth are embedded in resin, sectioned and ground down using grinding discs of various grits, before being imaged For this research, the cementum and dentine are analysed to provide forensic age estimations This incisor is affected by hypercementosis an overproduction of cellular cementum The title was chosen as it resembles an oyster with a pearl, and teeth are often to referred to as ‘pearly whites



Bing Zhang – Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland

Light Up The Bacteria The image was captured using Zeiss Axiovert 200 Inverted Microscope Stand with LSM 880 Confocal Scanner Airyscan Sample preparation Ecoli (ATCC 25922 cells were stained with fluorescent antibiotics 16 µg/mL for 30min, 37 C FM 4 64 FX (cell membrane, 5 µg/mL for 5 min, on ice) and Hoechst 33342 (nucleic acid, 20 µg/mL for 10 min, on ice) Cells were embedded on 1 agarose pad for live cell imaging



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